by Morgan Smith | Jun 3, 2016 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Post-Divorce Modification
“However, “a “change in circumstance” with regard to the parenting schedule is a distinct concept from a “change in circumstance” with regard to the identity of the primary residential parent.” Massey-Holt v. Holt, 255 S.W.3d 603, 607...
by Morgan Smith | May 9, 2016 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law, Post-Divorce Modification
More affirmation that the material change standard for a change of primary parent determination is more strict than just your standard schedule modification: Angela Newberry v. Jeremy Newberry. Here, Father accused Mother of not supporting the children in their...
by Morgan Smith | Mar 3, 2016 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law
The Court of Appeals has upheld a decision out of Clarksville which named the Mother the Primary Residential Parent with 183 days and Father the Alternate Residential Parent with 182 days and a week on week off schedule. In Barry Spencer v. Christina Spencer, the...
by Morgan Smith | Nov 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Something that people dispute quite regularly and waste attorney fees is the tax exemption for the minor children. As a Nashville divorce attorney, I frequently have instances where all matters are resolved except for who claims the children on taxes. Most of the time...
by Morgan Smith | Sep 7, 2015 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Post-Divorce Modification
The Court of Appeals has affirmed a ruling finding there is no material change of circumstances in a case where the parties had joint parenting time and a child wished to move in with the other parent on a primary basis. JOSHUA TIMOTHY CANADA v. TONYA MARIE CANADA out...
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