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Ashley Madison and your Divorce

Allegedly, hackers have broken into the website database of AshleyMadison, which is a website designed to help people have extramarital affairs.  The AshleyMadison tagline “Life Is Short. Have An Affair” may not seem as funny if 37 million cheaters get outed on the...

So You Just Got Served With Divorce Papers Part Two

Part Two: Reading the Documents - The Divorce Complaint The Divorce Complaint is the main divorce document.  This is the document that says you want the divorce.  There are several correct ways for attorneys to draft a divorce complaint, and some attorney's have...

The Cost of Divorce

I was looking at Avvo today and noticed a question:  Is it expensive to get a divorce?  So many people have no idea about the general costs of litigation, which includes divorces.  Sometimes, because people don't understand litigation, they wind up making the divorce...

Pets and Contested Divorce

There are many reasons why a person may pursue a contested divorce and not an uncontested divorce. One thing that many people do not consider when determining whether or not they should hire a lawyer for a prenuptial agreement is that in the state of Tennessee, pets...

Equal Parenting Time

The new laws promote maximization of the parenting time of both parents, which results in more hands-on parenting time for both parents.  It is easier to get week to week parenting time than it used to be, especially where the parent who primarily cared for the child...

Child Support is Complicated

Child support is more complicated than many people think. Check out my article on Medium explaining how child support can be complicated by self-employment income, business income, stipends, underemployment, and many other things. Basically, attorneys come in to play...

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