by Morgan Smith | May 27, 2019 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law, Post-Divorce Modification
Great news for parents who are exercising joint time! A new bill is pending and as of July 1, 2019, parents exercising joint parenting time will be able to elect to list both parents as joint custodians. What does this mean? If you get to list both parents as joint...
by Morgan Smith | Oct 18, 2018 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer
When children are removed by parents and taken across state lines, the appropriate means of returning the child is referred to as a Hague Case due to its reliance on a Hague Convention regarding custody and child abduction. Since this is a relatively new area of law...
by Morgan Smith | Jun 3, 2016 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Post-Divorce Modification
“However, “a “change in circumstance” with regard to the parenting schedule is a distinct concept from a “change in circumstance” with regard to the identity of the primary residential parent.” Massey-Holt v. Holt, 255 S.W.3d 603, 607...
by Morgan Smith | May 9, 2016 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law, Post-Divorce Modification
More affirmation that the material change standard for a change of primary parent determination is more strict than just your standard schedule modification: Angela Newberry v. Jeremy Newberry. Here, Father accused Mother of not supporting the children in their...
by Morgan Smith | Mar 3, 2016 | Contested Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law
The Court of Appeals has upheld a decision out of Clarksville which named the Mother the Primary Residential Parent with 183 days and Father the Alternate Residential Parent with 182 days and a week on week off schedule. In Barry Spencer v. Christina Spencer, the...
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