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Contempt of court is real!
I read this opinion a while back but didn't post at the time, but recent events reminded me of the opinion in the Odom matter regarding contempt of court. Aside from the usual advice of "listen to your attorney" (it's what you pay us for), you need to listen to the...
New Child Abduction/Hague case out of the Sixth Circuit
When children are removed by parents and taken across state lines, the appropriate means of returning the child is referred to as a Hague Case due to its reliance on a Hague Convention regarding custody and child abduction. Since this is a relatively new area of law...
Press Release – Morgan Smith has been Nominated and Accepted as Four Years AIOFLA’s 10 Best in Tennessee
Morgan Smith has been nominated and accepted as four years AIOFLA's 10 best in Tennessee, please see the press release below. Press Release_FLA
Appellate Court Reiterates Disagreement on School is Not Grounds to Modify
The Tennessee Court of Appeals has reiterated that a disagreement over schools is not grounds for a modification of the primary residential parent designation. This was considered pretty settled law, but some court still rule this way and require parents to fund...
Personal Service of Process and Default Divorce
Personal Service of Process in Default Divorces come with significant benefits compared to Service by Publication. A default divorce is a divorce that is obtained without the participation of the defending spouse. Sometimes this happens because a spouse just refuses...
Great post from Fresh Legal out of Canada
I know what you are thinking, what on earth does an article from a Canadian law office have to do with my divorce in Tennessee? Usually, very little, but Fresh Legal published a great article in conjunction with a career divorce coach about divorce and employment...
From Peoplehype – divorce lawyers (and your spouses) are sneaky
Kind of funny, a Dallas Texas man sued a background check site after his wife used it to catch him cheating. Saw this article on Peoplehype and though it was relevant, as we frequently use things like this to track down cheaters. Obviously some cheaters are sneakier...
Article – Pyschologist Tips on Helping Children Cope with Divorce
I recently read a good article from a psychologist (Clinical Psychologist Patricia Martin) for tips on helping children cope with divorce. Something I thought was particularly useful for our clients going through contested divorce is what Dr. Martin recommends on how...
Heads Up – Relocation laws for Tennessee have changed!
As of July 1 the relocation laws in Tennessee have changed. The new statute is being applied remedially in Davidson County, how it will be handled in other counties is still up in the air. This means even if you begun the relocation process prior to July 1, the new...
Alimony in Tennessee has no set formula!
This is an issue that comes up again and again in many of our divorce cases. As we handle a lot of high-asset contested divorces, alimony is at issue very frequently. Given the fluid nature of our society now, many people discuss their divorces with friends and...
When do I need to consult with a divorce attorney?
One of the biggest mistakes we have to compensate for as divorce attorneys are the mistakes clients make before they consult with us. Sometimes we can fix the mistakes, but other times the mistakes are extremely costly and sometimes fatal to the case. The best...
Tips For Your Initial Divorce Consultation From Our Staff
Some helpful tips for your consultation from our staff: Hiring a divorce attorney is probably one of the most difficult decisions that most people will make in their lives. The future of our children, and the life that we have worked so hard to build has suddenly...
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